Ruger® Rapid Deploy Front Sight

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Our custom-designed Ruger® folding Front Sight seamlessly integrates on the Ruger® SR22®, the Ruger® SR556®, and any modern sporting rifle with a same-plane Picatinny rail mounting system. This lightweight, polymer sight is elevation-adjustable; folds flat to make room for optics and is spring-loaded to allow for rapid deployment with the push of a button. Shoot with more accuracy whether you are a novice or expert. Complete assembly instructions, zeroing procedures and adjustment procedures are included in the packaging. Check out our Rapid Deploy Rear Sight (Part Number 90415).


  • 5
    Great Value

    Posted by FNAskippy on 4th Oct 2020

    Mounted with included Allen wrench, works flawlessly for a polymer type pop up. Great price for a name brand sight.